Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Time for something new

Dearest blog readers,

I've moved. Well sort of. I made a new blog. I'll be doing the majority of my blogging over there so go ahead and check it out!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Amazing Grace

She's done it again. Carrie Underwood has done it again! If you are a fan, then you've probably heard her new single Something In the Water. (And maybe you're obsessed with it like me??) This song really hit me hard as I've been listening to the lyrics. If you're a fan of the song Amazing Grace then you will love this song! I am in the middle of the refiners fire and it's been rough. This song came out on Monday and it has been a strength to me this week. The lyrics have been stuck in my head and especially during those rough times, I think of them and they bring me peace. God has been sending me gems like this to give me an extra boost when I need it. Enjoy!

Confused? Me too. I hit ctrl v to paste what I had thought was the music video. And this posted. How perfect is that??? I got teary eyed. Watch this video. Then below is the actual song!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Just Talk to Him!

This past week feels like it flew by, but dragged on. I was sick for two days this week--beware the nasty cold that is plaguing all of Provo. I felt it coming on early Monday morning and then BAM! Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with the following: sweats, Gilmore Girls, sleep, tissues, and lots of fluids! You could even throw YouTube and Pinterest in there too. I did a lot of that this week. Ick. (But I found some great stuff.) 

There have been a lot of changes that took place this past week and I tell you what--YIKES! So many adjustments here and there and it's been a whirlwind of craziness. I've been trying my best to adjust the sails in this weeks crazy storm, but boy, it's been pouring!

This past weekend was Regional Conference. It had been a hard week and the weekend wasn't any better. My emotions were high and I was ready to throw in the towel. I sat in my chair feeling uncomfortable while I waited for conference to start. I pulled out my phone and pulled up scriptures. I sat there reading, trying to focus, but my heart and mind were far from the passages in the Old Testament. I knew I needed to move and I only had a few minutes to do so. What do I do? I quickly sent a text and before you know it, I am sitting at the end of the row with a dear friend of mine. 

Conference started, but I was still feeling unsettled. Tears began to trickle down as the choir sang their first song. Pull yourself together, Marli! You are okay! My friend rubbed my back, indicating that everything was okay. It was strange at how comforting that felt. The speakers were wonderful. I jotted down note after note, but still the unsettling feeling kept surfacing. 

Then Elder Richard G. Scott spoke and his talk pierced my soul. "Just talk to Him!" These words have been ringing in my ear ever since he spoke them. He talked about prayer. It was beautiful and powerful. I could feel my Heavenly Father's love for me as Elder Scott spoke. I wanted nothing more than to kneel before the Lord and pray. My heart had been feeling heavy and I knew that the only relief I so desperately needed, was going to come though Heavenly Father. I wanted to talk to Him and tell Him everything. So I did. As I walked home, I prayed. As I washed dishes, I prayed. I went into my room and prayed. My prayers were so raw--full of honest emotion. My sentences weren't always coherent, but I knew that God understood what I was trying to say. Through the blubbering and tears, I knew that God was listening. I could feel Him near. It was perfect.

My testimony of prayer grew today. "Just talk to Him!" He is my Father and He wants to part of my life. Even in the ugly, dark times, He wants to be there for me. Prayer enables me to communicate with God and be able to have that Father/daughter relationship. Prayer opens up my heart for understanding and growth. I am ever grateful that I have a Father who is always wanting to hear from. He is invested in me all the time! That's beautiful to me! Happy Sabbath!