Friday, February 28, 2014

My week in a nutshell.

  • Started the week off giving a talk in church. It rocked fierce things.
  • Running mixed with circuit training with Alex.
  • Splashing around in a puddle at 11:00 pm.
  • In-N-Out lunch date with my home girls Susan and Brittany.
  • 2 1/2 hours of paid time off = Leaving work early. 
  • JCWs with Susan to celebrate getting off work early.
  • Watching Princess Diaries 2 with my roommates and friends.
  • Smith's trip with Brittany and Mike. Oh funny!
  • French braided my hair all by myself! 
  • Rainy weather. (Play that Norah Jones...brown...girl...)
  • Spring/60 degree weather.
  • Priesthood blessings and home teachers.
  • Talking about Ragnar/racing/track with my visiting teachers.
  • Reading my scriptures. 
  • FHE at the Williams. Too. Much. Food. 
  • Dancing.
  • Creepin' on people in the BC. 
  • Laughing and eating ice cream with Susan.

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