Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tortilla Chips

My roommate and I made homemade tortilla chips! (Ok, so they are really semi-homemade so keep it on the DL por favor!) They were actually pretty good, but they are only good when they are fresh. Instead of eating them with salsa, we put seasonings on them. We used Fajita, Suzy Q, and onion salt. Suzy Q was my favorite. (If you haven't had Suzy Q seasonings, then you are missin' out!) I've got pictures that I shall post later.

Anyways, this week is a great week! I'm excited because my twin sister has left the MTC and is now in Colorado Springs! (I feel blessed that she is super close!) Watch out Colorado, Sister Brady is going to blow. Your. Mind. (And convert you!)

Tonight, I get to hang out with one of my friends that I haven't seen in AGES! I am just waiting for time to hurry up so I can see her. Tomorrow night I get to learn how to blow fire! The elders quorum president is taking my roommate and I to go play with fire in the canyon! I couldn't be more thrilled. On Thursday, my roommate and I are going to see Singing in the Rain at the Scera Theater. We've been talking about it and finally decided this week that we are going to go. And last of all, this Saturday my roommates and I and our guy friends, Avocado and Lee, are all going to see the Manti Pageant. I haven't seen it since I was a little girl and let me tell you, I am way way way excited!

Hope ya'll have a great week!

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