Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good, Better, BEST

"We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best, because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks

As I have been pondering this quote from Elder Oaks, I have been reflecting on the past few years of how I have given up good things, so that I could have better things. I've realized (for the billionth time) how great Heavenly Father is at surprising me with wonderful blessings. Because I chose to stick with the Lord, despite not knowing what lay ahead, I was blessed. God sees the whole picture. I'm amazed at how everything has fallen right into place in my life.

I have recently made the decision to keep my full-time job here at the bank. School will be post-poned. Well more like slowed down. The good thing is, I can work on my online classes here at work. I am trusting in the Lord. I feel strongly that I need to keep this job. I'm blessed to have it! And although school is important to me, I know that the Lord will help me finish my degree later in life, but for now, I need to work.

"Your needs are great and varied. Each of you is a unique child of God. God knows you individually . He sends messages of encouragement, correction, and direction fitted to you and your needs." - President Henry B. Eyring

I can tell you that I fully agree with President Eyring! I have seen this in my life. God has taken me on a rocky journey (hahaha...I said "rocky") and it's been pretty crazy! However, he has sent a lot of "encouragement, correction, and direction" to help me get to where he wants me to be. The great thing is, because he knows me so, so well, he is leading me to where I want to be. Good deal!

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