Saturday, November 2, 2013

To be happy.

I woke up early this morning exhausted, but my mind was racing and my heart was pounding. I got out of bed, walked into the living room and got down on my knees. I poured out my heart for the umpteenth time. He listened to me again. I knew I was incoherent, but I knew he understood every word. I pulled out my scriptures again. I read and read. God talked to me. I struggled to humble myself and stumbled back to bed. I woke up again, two hours later and prayed again. My heart was softened and I was overwhelmed with peace. A thought entered my mind. Happiness is a choice, Marlisa. I was reminded that it is my responsibility to be happy. I choose to be happy.
Everyone can choose to be happy. We all deserve to be happy, regardless of our circumstances, what we've done, or who we are. We are children of a loving Heavenly Father, who wants us to be happy.
"Men are, that they might have joy." (2 Ne 2:25)

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