Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Tragic Cycle

This picture depicts how I feel right now. Let's replace the 'guardian angel' with 'Heavenly Father' and there you have it. Or it could be how I looked after my realization that I just had about five-ish minutes ago. Yowzers.
There is a cycle in the scriptures that I just hate reading about. For various reasons, this tragic cycle just eats at me. I get so upset and want to smack everyone in the head. Yes my friends, this tragic cycle is the pride cycle.
I just can't stand reading about people who go through this cycle over and over and over again! You'd think they'd learn from the first time. I mean look at it, it's a freakin' trap!
After reading, I sat at my desk thinking about this cycle and how silly people are who get stuck in this trap. Then hit me like ten million buffalo during a stampede: Marlisa, you go through your own pride cycle. BAM!!! I was floored.
My bad.
My mind instantly remembered this talk from Marion G. Romney.
"He [God] has revealed anew the same simple truths He taught Adam and Eve in the beginning. Collectively, these teachings constitute the principles, doctrines, and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which begins with a knowledge of and faith in God our Eternal Father in heaven and Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son in the flesh, our Savior and Redeemer. They include the truth that the inhabitants of the earth, God’s offspring, are in mortality for the purpose of being proved to see if they will keep the commandments of God.
These commandments are not arbitrary edicts of a vindictive tyrant. They but set forth the laws and ordinances which produce—as a matter of cause and effect—peace, success, and happiness. Rejection of and disobedience to them has in the past always brought, and will continue to bring, failure and disaster as a natural consequence." -Marion G. Romney
I can't tell you how many times I've gone through this cycle in my own life. When things are going well for me, I tend to slack off on simple things like reading my scriptures or going to institute. Then when things are going terribly wrong, I turn to the Lord and beg for mercy. After I've repented and humbled myself, the Lord begins to bless me. And this cycle-ish trap continues again and again and again.
After this realization, I got down on my knees and asked for forgiveness. Now I am taking action to break this cycle in my own life. I understand that I am human and I do make mistakes. I mean, the Lord chastens his children to stir them up in remembrance, right? But that's just it, I want to remember Him always! I take the sacrament every week and promise to "remember him and keep his commandments" and to "always remember him, that they [I] may always have his spirit to be with them [me]."
Another thing that also hit me, was the overwhelming feeling of love and compassion that Heavenly Father has for his children. Yes, he does chasten us, but he does it out of love.
God is Love. 
He is also a merciful God. He shows us his mercy when he forgives us for our sins. Not only is forgiveness an act of mercy, but also blessings we receive. We are recipients of mercy when God answers our prayers or when we receive guidance through the Holy Ghost. Even through Priesthood blessings, we can are receiving mercy from God. That's pretty wonderful!
God shows us his mercy, because he loves us.
God is merciful.
Not only did I get a smack down from the Lord tonight, but I also was able to learn a new characteristic of God. (Remember, how I said I wanted to get to know him better?) Little by little, I'm coming to know who God is and his characteristics. It's great!
Happy Tuesday, God loves you!

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