Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Dates

I don't enjoy first dates. I used to, but as of late, I haven't enjoyed them. I feel like I need to be prepared with my "Future Wife" application and resume. I feel like I am being drilled with marital questions and/or my date trying to engage me in a deep conversation and getting me to spill all my secrets. I especially don't like my intellect tested on HIS interests. (When I say I don't know much about soccer or chemistry, I'm not lying.) I don't like the immediate disappointment on his face when something about me isn't quite up to par with his expecatations. I don't like being looked down upon when I share my interests and dream careers. Apparently, if I don't mention that I want to be a wife and mother right after I graduate, I am immediately crossed off their list of potential marriage candidates.

Excuse you. This is a first date. From now on, the only "get to know you" questions I want to be asked, are "What's your favorite color?" and "What's your favorite dessert?" Ok, so I don't mind being asked what my major is or what I want to do for my career. I'll tell you. Please don't remind me that I have been "commanded to multiply and replenish the earth" and that I am supposed to get married and bear children. I know that already.

Relax buddy, it's a first date. You don't need to know every detail about my life story, what callings I've served in, or whether or not I'll put my future husband through school. I thought I was going on a date, NOT to an interview!

Lately my dates have been like this. First date after first date after first date. I thought I was the problem at first, but after seeing a pattern with the way the dates go down, I'm beginning to think that it's not me. It's them. I don't mind the inital "get to know you" conversations. They are important. You don't need to know me to a key on the first date, just so you can see if we would be compatable to get married for eternity. Sorry kiddo, it doesn't work that way.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Boys are dumb sometimes, especially those in the Provo area I hear. Hoping your next date is more laid back and "normal" Love ya girlie!