Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Racing time!

The girl scout cookie 5K race in Riverton was a TON of fun! I took my time running, because this was my first "pre-race" in preparation for my half. I wanted to just focus on running. All the hype of racing, really got me excited! I did well on time! It took me about 24ish minutes, so roughly 8 minute miles. (I don't plan on going that fast for my half.) After the race, I hung around for the award ceremony and ate some fruit. I even got my very own box of Samoa Cookies. (Except I accientally left my box of cookies on the picnic table. Still a little bitter about that. Don't judge me.) It was a lot of fun! It was a great way for me to figure out where I need improvements and what I can do differently for my half. I can't believe my half is NEXT month!!! Where has the time gone? Craziness! This last month is going to be hard core training to make sure that I won't die coming out of Provo Canyon.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I would be very upset if I lost a box of Samoas!