Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stay Warm!

My apartment has been quite chilly lately. Sometimes the heater works and sometimes it just blows cold air. Yesterday, it was a glorious 62 degrees in my apartment. This is great in comparison to the yucky 59 degrees last week. You better believe I had my green "marshmallow" coat and gloves on. Today was warmer in my apartment, but I was still feeling cold. I sat at my desk thinking of ways that I could warm myself up, so that I could focus on other things. Then a light bulb went on in my head: HOT CHOCOLATE! Perfect! I found a lovely recipe for homemade hot chocolate that I have absolutely fallen in love with!!! It's simple, easy, and a lot healthier than regular store bought hot chocolate.

Hot, Hot, Hot Chocolate

1 cup milk
1 heaping tbs. cocoa powder
1 tbs. honey or agave 
1 tsp. vanilla 

Stir together in a pot over medium-high heat. 

See, I told you it was easy! Yum! I paired this with some ginger bread cookies and it was simply delightful!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Thanks for the recipe! I was going to ask for it on instagram haha