Monday, October 11, 2010

October Fun!

Halloween is my LEAST FAVORITE holiday. But this year, I'm so excited for the holiday festivities! I have Fall break this week and am looking forward to chillaxin'! I'm so excited that my Emett Boi is turning one this year! He's so big! My family is having a costume birthday party for him! I cannot wait!!! Also, Cornbelly's is open and I just gotta go! I missed last year and the year before that. Next week is my family halloween party! So excited!!! Oh man, I love October. And the best part that starts of October. General Conference! I loved General Conference! I want to read the talks again! (And to all you lovely protestors, I LOVE AND FULLY AGREE WITH PRESIDENT BOYD K. PACKER!) Oh October, how I love thee!

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