Thursday, June 16, 2011

As I have studied what it means to "trust in the Lord" I have been reminded by the spirit of a few things:

  1. I was trying to think of a time when I have exercised trust in the Lord and then as I was reading this talk, I was reminded of the pre-existence. I trusted the Lord and his plan, so I chose to follow him and come down to this earth. (And if you are reading this, you too, trusted the Lord and followed his plan! So give yourself a pat on the back, my friend!)

  2. This scripture touched me. I've read this verse countless times, sang the song countless times, and even memorized in seminary. But it wasn't until today that it really hit me. If the Lord asks me to do something, he will prepare a way for me to do it. (Duh. Simple. Why am I just understanding this at 21 years old?) This is a beautiful promise! I mean think about it? Why would God ask me to do something and not help me accomplish the task?

  3. In past posts I have talked about walking "hand in hand" with the Lord and I read a quote from a conference talk that said the following:

"We can never complete the "race that is set before us" without
placing our hand in the Lords."

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