Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Few thoughts and happenings

  • Today I got a FREE bookmark. Not just any bookmark, a magnetic bookmark. And not just any magnetic bookmark; this is a homemade magnetic bookmark. (Oooh...I know, right?) It's small. It's white. It's awesome. A customer who came into the bank asked me if I liked to read. (I'm thinkin' he saw my scriptures on my desk.) I of course said yes and the next thing I know, this fellow is pulling out a pharmacy medicine bottle filled with these little bookmarks. He charges a $1.00 for them, but was kind enough to give me one for free. I'll post a picture (no promises) later, so you can see this wonder of a bookmark. (I'll make a goal to post the picture.) Seriously though, it's a really neat bookmark! Goes perfect with my scriptures! (If you'd like one, let me know, because my bookmark came with a little strip of paper on how and where to purchase these gems!)

  • During free time, here at the bank, I have been blog stalking. More specifically, photography blogs. I have fallen in love with photography blogs! Mainly because I love looking at pictures. I especially like looking at wedding photos, bridals, engagements etc. I think they're cute. Or baby pictures. So stinkin' cute! (Don't judge, I'm a girl!)

  • My sister is having a baby boy in October! I am so excited!

  • On Sunday, two of my guy friends found out who my roommates and I are currently drooling over. ("Drooling" may not be the right word, but it's the only word I can think of.) Hence, a contract was written up and signed that if these boys were to squeal and tell someone our little secrets, they will DIE. I swear, boys ruin everything! (No, I really don't swear! And No I didn't actually write the contract, my 18 year old roommate did. I just signed the paper.)

  • Have you ever read the book "Believing Christ" by Stephen E. Robinson? If you haven't, I highly (HIGHLY) recommend it! I recently read it and it has changed my perspective about the atonement!

  • Shopping! I'm not much of a shopper, but guess what...lately I've been clothes shopping. (You should see my closet and compare it to my roommates closets. I really have no clothes.) On an even better note, I've been shopping during sales at the stores and I've been getting a lot of clothes for cheap. For example, I got two skirts, a dress, and two cardigans at Downeast Basics for super cheap. How? I shopped during their warehouse sale and everything was $10.00 or less! Cardigans were $5, Skirts $7, and Dress $10. And they are all cute, which is a double bonus! I now have a more variety of clothing to wear to work! Awesome, right?

  • "Love for our Savior, inspires us to keep His commandments." - Walter F. Gonzalez

  • Really the only reason I am blogging right now is because it's a "time-waster" so that I don't shoot myself here at work. Yesterday I had about 101 transactions and today I have about half that amount. It's been slow, very slow. (Only 12 more minutes to go!)

1 comment:

Monica said...

Photo blogs are so fun to look through! It sounds like you shop like me :) I tell Gavin he is lucky he married me because I don't spend money like most girls do haha