Thursday, October 6, 2011

Conference Notes

I promised that I would share some of my notes and thoughts from this last conference, so here's the first one.

Sister Barbara Thompson

  • To receive personal revelation: Desire - Not harden your heart - ask in faith - and diligently keep the commandments.

  • Doctrine & Covenants 6

  • Testimonies fortify us especially during hard times.

Thoughts: This talk was wonderful! It was so helpful to be reminded of how to receive personal revelation. Especially the step to not harden your heart. That was a "spiritual smack" for me. Also, I love how she emphasized how important your testimony is. I agree with her when she said that our own testimonies will fortify during hard times. Sometimes my journey gets crazy and faith is tried. It all comes down to my own personal testimony and the things that I know.

Click here to read/hear/watch the talk.

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