Tuesday, October 4, 2011

CoNfErEnCe WeEkEnD...

was quite wonderful! I had the opportunity to spend time with my family on Saturday and spend Sunday with friends. (Ha, you'd think it would be other way around...friends on Saturday and family on Sunday...)

Being with my family was wonderful! I loved every minute of it! I love my family! When we get together, it's always a happy reunion! And as usual, we had the traditional banana splits after the Priesthood Session, which if you ask me, was scrumptiously divine!

Imagine this: Sliced banana, one scoop of chocolate AND vanilla ice cream, sweetened coconut, crushed oreo, nuts, chocolate syrup, hot fudge, and whip cream w/a chocolate chip cookie to top it off!

Killer, right? We Rocks LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ice cream! And we go all out during conference weekend!

Sunday was spent with my roommates and some friends from the complex. We ate a delicious breakfast before the first session and ended with a pasta dinner after the second session.

Most importantly, I was uplifted this weekend! My heart was bursting with happiness when President Thomas S. Monson announced that the Provo Tabernacle would be come a temple! I cannot express to you how relieved I feel! I was quite upset when it burned down last year. I feel like that was tender mercy to all of us from our Heavenly Father.

I was edified through each talk! I spent the majority of my time frantically scribbling down notes. (Some of my notes I can barely read...) I loved Sister Thompsons talk on how to recieve personal revelation! I loved Elder Richard G. Scotts talk on making scriptures your friend. I loved Sister Daltons talk on fathers raising their daughters. I loved Elder Bednars Talk on family history. I loved Brother Cooks talk on "looking up". My next post I will write a little about these talks and my thoughts about them. So stay tuned.

I love General Conference! It was much needed and I cannot wait until April for it to begin. Six months is too long, however, I can at least work on the counsel I was given until I get more in April. God is so good! He taught me, answered my prayers, and reminded me that I am not forgotten. He is always holding my hand! He loves me. And boy, do I love him!

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