Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day Eight

I am grateful for the ability that I have to love. (That sounds kind of selfish, but please, continue reading.) I love being able to help people. I love being there for people when they are in need of comfort. I love making ice cream runs so that my roommates can binge on ice cream while they cry. I love writing little notes to my roommates, especially when they've been having a bad time. On the flip side, I'm grateful to be on the receiving end of all of these things as well. I am grateful for those people who have the ability to love. I recently experienced a heart break and my roommates really stepped up and helped me through it. They took me out to the "mormon bar" and then bought me ice cream. They patiently listened to me cry my eyes out and mumble a bunch of non-sense.

My best twin sister in the whole entire world is currently serving as a missionary in Colorado Springs. She is someone I have always looked up to. She has the ability to love people and I've always thought that was pretty neat. She has always been there when I've been angry or sad. She naturally puts people first before herself. And even though some people have been rude and selfish towards her, she still chooses to love them and forgive them. I am oh so grateful for her!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I'm glad your roommates were able to help you through your heartbreak :) ice cream is surely a cure all! Except one boy dumped me after buying me ice cream...that was not cool!