Friday, November 18, 2011

Day Eighteen, Nineteen, and Twenty

Yes, I am doing three in one post. My laptop charger decided to not work last night. (Oh goody!) Hence, my laptop is now dead until I get a new charger. I'm ordering my new one today, so hopefully it shows up next week!!!

Day Eighteen
I'm grateful for good moral values! Having been raised in the Church and by good parents, I have established good moral values in my life. For example, I don't swear. I don't watch 'R' rated movies. I am currently making a goal to not watch PG-13 movies. I'm just grateful that I have set my values in stone, so that nothing can knock me down. (Authors note: I am so tired, so if I don't make sense, I apologize. )

Day Nineteen
I'm grateful for sales! I have been waiting for a pair of shoes to go on sale at Target the last few months and I finally found them marked down to $10! I've needed a pair of black sunday flats for a while now and I was so excited to find the ones I wanted on sale! Yippee skippee!

Day Twenty
I'm grateful for quality time. I was able to spend some quality time with my roommate Autumn last night. We went out to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes, went shopping at Target, and then met up with my family for an early showing (9:25) of Breaking Dawn. It was so good to just talk with her about a lot of random things. I love you, "Tumness"! Here's my two cents on Breaking Dawn:

So incredibly inappropriate beyond all reason! I am not a Twilight fan and I never have been. But I was so disgusted when there was not one, but two, almost three, sex scenes in the movie! Um hello?! 12 year old girls are watching this! Some scenes were graphic, like the birth scene. I felt super uncomfortable the whole time! I wouldn't recommend it to anyone! (This is why I have had it with PG-13 movies and I have decided that they are not worth my time anymore. They just don't give me a great feeling during and after watching the movie.)

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