Monday, November 21, 2011

Day Twenty-One & blog post

I'm am grateful for a wonderful ward. I love my singles ward! I love the bishopric. I love my men (apartment 26). I love my roommates. I love BC! My ward is wonderful and we all get along very well. I am just so grateful for the great people in my life. They are all great influences to me!

Switching gears, I want to share with you something that has been brought to my attention the last few weeks. A couple weeks ago my stake president was giving a talk in stake conference. (Imagine that, stake president giving a talk in stake conference...) Anyways, he was relating the analogy of going on a bear hunt. (You know the song..."can't go over it, can't go under it, gotta go through it." Or something like that.) Well this analogy was used for various things, but there was a lot of empasis on the comparison to...DATING! Wahoo, right? So now the joke has been, "I'm going on a bear hunt and am going to hunt me down a grizzly bear!" Well I've been going on a lot of dates lately and it's gotten me thinking a lot about my "grizzly bear".

When I was sixteen years old, I wrote a letter to myself indicating the mandantory attributes that the guy I date must have. They were primary characteristics such as: member of the church, good wholesome values etc. Well I'm 21 and I've come to the realization that the my first list was for the 16 year old me. But I'm an adult now and I need to be more serious about this. I've been thinking a lot about what my list is now and there have been some changes. I made a new list. The first four are my most important. The others are just random.

1. Puts the Lord first BEFORE me: I want my husband to put the Lord first, because I know that as he stays close to the Lord, our marriage will be much stronger. This goes for me as well. If we both rely on the Lord, there's no way that our marriage could fail! And I believe that the love that we have for each other would be much stronger too :)
2. RM: I want to marry an RM! That's so important to me! It shows that they wanted to serve the Lord for two years. And they come back men too! RMs are great examples to me.
3. Temple Worthy. This is a must!!! I feel like when you're temple worthy, you're doing the best that you can and are choosing to follow the Lords commandments. This is a requirement for myself as well!
4. Family oriented. I want a husband who puts his family first. Family is a huge part of my life and I want him to be part of that. Especially as a father to our children. I remember when my dad would come home from work and would spend time with us kids before we went to bed. I want that for my kids. I want them to have a father in their lives, just like I did growing up.
5. Great personality. (So cliche!) But seriously though, this is what I am supposed to be looking for. I need a guy with a personality that will make me happy for the rest of my life and into the eternities!
6. Kind, thoughtful, and caring. These are three qualities that are a must! I just really like them.
7. Culturally Diverse. I didn't know how to word this, but basically I want my husband to accept the polynesian culture. I may have grown up here in Utah, but I am still Samoan and I do have a samoan family. I don't know much about the samoan culture, but I do know that my birth family loves me dearly and they want me part of their family. Hence, we will be taking a few trips to Western Samoa. (Someone one said that by marrying me, you get two sets of parents and double the siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Good deal.)
8. Adventurous. Adventures are fun :) You could put spontaneous in this category as well. Both make life so much more exciting! 9. Willing to be patient with me. I'm trying to be more patient.
10. Willing to call me out when I'm being ridiculous and stubborn. (I need a smack in the face every now and then.)
11. Educated. I would like a smart husband. Someone who I can learn from.
12. Silly and Serious. I want someone who can be silly at times, but serious during others.
13. Sense of Humor. I have a sense of humor so I hope my husband does too! (Because if he doesn't that would just be lame and we would never work out!)
14. Tells me I'm beautiful and means it!
15. Hard worker. I grew with parents who taught me the importance of work. I would like a husband who isn't lazy and will work hard at everything he does.

Anyways, to all you single people, happy hunting :) (Wow, this is what happens when you get bored at work. Sorry for the long post.) Have an awesome Monday!

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