Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day Twenty-Two

I am so grateful for handsome nephews! They are all so wonderful, silly, and full of life!

Marcus - I love how silly you are! I love spending time watching funny Youtube videos with you. I love that you beat me at The Game of Life AND Chess. You're still my little buddy and I love you so much.

Nicholas & Anthony - Oh how handsome you twin boys are! I love you so much! You're both so fun to be around. I love playing cars with you. I love splashing around in Grandmas waterfall with you. You two are my little men! I love you!

Emett - You little stud muffin! I love that you give me hugs and kisses! I think you are such a handsome little guy! You're so much fun to play with! Aunty loves you!

Dillon - My little chubs! I love you buddy! I love holding you! I love your handsome smile. Let's face it, you're so stinkin' handsome and you know it :)

Baby Colton - I am so glad that I get to be your aunty! You're such a handsome little guy and I just can't seem to let go of you when I'm holding you! I can't wait to watch you grow up and see all the great things you'll do. I'm so excited for your blessing on Sunday!

I love you boys! Love Aunt M.

GuEsS wHaT?! I got a new charger for my laptop! Oh happy day! :)

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