Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day Six

I am grateful for Sunday, Stake Conference, AND Daylight Savings! My Stake Conference doesn't start until 2:00, daylight savings ended today, and it's Sunday. I slept in, woke up to beautiful church music, ate a yummy breakfast, and did my scriptures study. Usually my Sunday mornings aren't as peaceful; church starts at nine in the morning. But today has just been quite lovely! I love Sundays! I always look forward to Sunday! I love that it's a day of rest, because quite frankly, I need it! I feel like Sunday is the beginning and the end of each week. It's a great day to start off the week and it's a great day to end the week. Some Sundays I walk around the Temple grounds, other Sundays, I go home to my family. Sunday is just wonderful! I am oh so grateful for Sunday! Happy Sunday everyone! May your day be full of rest and peace! (And not in the dying type of way :))

1 comment:

Monica said...

I love having a day of rest :)