Friday, November 25, 2011

Day Twenty - Five

I am super grateful that I got to spend time with my family yesterday. It was such a perfect holiday! I felt like a little kid. Dad spoiled me by letting me lick the mashed potatoes off the Kitchen Aid paddle. He used to let me do that every Sunday, when I was a little girl. And every year, he always gives me the first piece of turkey as he is cutting it to make sure that it's good and moist. And can I just say, yes, it was very moist and delicious.

My cute little nephew got attached to me. He is a chunk and I just couldn't put him down. But when I would put him down, he would grab onto my legs or hold my hand. What a chunky hunk! It's things like that, that make me love being an aunt so much more. And guess what? I got to chase a black cat with my niece. Actually she chased the cat and I chased her. Lets just say, we both came out of the bushes with leaves in our hair.

We ate so much yummy food and can I just say kudos to my Uncle who makes the BEST pies! Seriously, he made about 10 pies and they were so yummy! We missed my brother Levi and his family, but we're so excited to see him on Sunday. Then the whole family will be together! (What a perfect way to end the break, right?) After we ate, we all helped clean up the kitchen and then I of course took a quick nap on the family room floor.

Later we played Rummikub (love this game) and Pictionary. Pictionary is a favorite game in the Rock household. It gets really intense! (We don't joke around when it comes to Pictionary.) But it was so much fun! I also took a little break and colored Thanksgiving themed pictures with my nieces and nephews! Can I just say that they all have some serious artistic skills?

That night we went through the Black Friday ads. (Us Rock girls may or may not have been drooling over the mens cologne ad. You know the ones you can smell? Oh my goodness, it smelled like good.) My little sister (in-law) and I had a girls night. We went to return my aunts Redbox movie and then we got the movie "Rio" while we were there. It gets a big 'meh' from me. It was funny, but not. I don't know. But it was so good to hang out with my little sister. (I love saying that I have a little sister! Even if she is an in-law and six months younger than me.) I rarely get to see her since she lives in Logan. I love her. We had some good girl talk and random conversations.

Before bed, we of course had the munchies and ate pie and leftovers. Perfect way to top of the a wonderful holiday!

Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving? Yes? Good!

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