Friday, December 2, 2011

What a treat!

Yesterday was a great day! My car got fixed and I only had to pay $150.00! And the mechanic did a great job! Happy day! But the best part of yesterday was that I had the opportunity to go see "White Christmas" at the BYU HFAC. My dear friend invited me and I was so excited! I LOVED IT! Seriously, if you haven't seen it, it is still showing for a few more days! It's worth it, I promise! The plot was a bit different than the movie, but it was still just as good. The costumes were awesome and the dancing? Stellar! It truly was the perfect way to kick off the Christmas Season! Here's to the weekend! I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will be working, Christmas shopping, decking out the apartment with Christmas decorations, and going to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional! Happy day to you!

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