Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Sick Blues during a fun weekend!

Saturday my throat felt slightly scratchy. It wasn't a sore throat, but it was on the brink of becoming one. Sunday night was when the sore throat really hit! It was atrocious. Along with that came a stuffy nose. Then yesterday it was a sore throat and a stuffy, runny nose. Today is just exhaustion and runny/stuffy nose and a cough. But here I am, at work. My co-worker is sick too, but we're pluggin' along. Either one of us could crash at any time. I can't wait to get home. My treat for surviving this day is a hot bowl of soup and a warm bed. Yay!!!!!!!!
So I had an entertaining weekend. My apartment is known as the "creeper apartment" because we watch people outside our window ALL the time. It's fun to creep on people who pass by or are in our line of vision. My apartment is in the middle of the complex, we get a good view of the second and third floor. And they just happen to be the boys apartments. Extra bonus.

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