Thursday, September 13, 2012

I speak, He listens

Sincere, heartfelt prayers to my Heavenly Father are all it takes to get me through each day. The craziness and demands of life can be overbearing. But I always remember Him and his grace. I call upon Him multiple times throughout the day in need of strength, to thank him for his love and blessings, and to pour out my aching heart. He listens to me. Every prayer, He listens to me. He even listens to me when I pray silently at the same time someone else is praying. I feel his mercy and love for me, even when I can barely speak. Just knowing that He is listening to every prayer, whether it be once sentence or a twenty minute ramble, brings me comfort. I feel a sense of security and peace when I pray to my Heavenly Father. I feel like I am able to talk about whatever I want and not be judged or looked down on. He doesn't interrupt me, he waits until I finish and then pours out his love. That's what so neat about he power of prayer. It's real. He's real. He's listening. He understands. He doesn't judge me or criticize me. He just listens.

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