Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blissfully Happy

Where have I been? Well let me tell you about the time my 'space bar' key broke on my laptop. You know, the one key you absolutely can't avoid??? I've been relying a lot on my on-screen keyboard to help me out. I, however, write to you from my iPod touch. It works like a charm and I can write this faster.
Life has been a bit of a roller coaster lately. There have been high, happy times and low times. These past few weeks, I've been so close to my Heavenly Father! He has been blessing me with many tender mercies lately. He has helped me remember to keep Him first in my life.
I love life! It has been such an adventure! God is so good!!! I've been so happy lately! Even through the hard times, I still feel blissfully happy!
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." -John Barrymore
Guess what?! Thanksgiving is next week! So excited to spend time with the people I love! I have so much that I am grateful for!!!! I can't stop thinking about all the wonderful things my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I was talking with my mom the other day about how I don't know why I was adopted. But for some reason, I'm here in Provo, UT instead of Western Samoa. I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I am so happy here. Happy to have the friends that I have. Happy to be part of such a wonderful family! Happy to be a member of The Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints. Happy to live the life I've been given. God is so good to me. He literally spoils me! I'm so grateful for Him! I wouldn't be able to get through this life without Him.

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