Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!


I hope you all are having a fabulous holiday! Since it's Wednesday, my day will be just like all the others. Nothing too exciting. The only exciting thing is, I am still planning on making taco chili for dinner. I do this every year! So yummy!
I came across this picture on Pinterest and absolutely loved it! (I also love her too!)

Pinned Image

This is so true! It was also a great reminder to me that the Lord is always in control! All I can do is follow him, because he knows where I need to be and what I need to be doing. It's not easy though. I always think that I know how to run my life better than the Lord does. But then the Lord goes and does what he wants anyways. There's no use fighting him, right? All I can do is trust Him.

How has your week been?! I feel like this week has been dragging on and on and on...and on! It has been a great week though! A few of weird and funny things have happened to me this week.

#1 - I was more or less freaking out about something minor and my roommates decided to take matters into their own hands. I made the mistake of saying, "I dare you" to some roommates and they took it on as a challenge! Can I just say I have the funniest/best/boldest roommates in all of Utah? Can I also say how embarrassed and impressed I was? I was mortified. Literally. Screamed like a little kid. Oh dear!

#2 - Yesterday, my coworker and I decided that we're going to get married on December 20, 2012. I already have our wedding planned. (Thank you Pinterest!) Since the end of the world is supposedly on December 21st, we both decided that we didn't want to die single. He was looking for a wife. I was looking for husband. He's single. I'm single. Perfect deal! You can look forward to our awesome wedding announcement soon! I'm just waiting for him to propose to me. He hasn't gotten the ring yet, so nothing is official. The biggest road block in our relationship is that he likes a different girl and I like a different boy. But if we're still single by the time our wedding date comes around, we're totally getting hitched! :)

#3 - This week and last week have been bittersweet for me. This week is my last week being a float teller at the Bank of American Fork. (I will be a loan processor at the AF branch starting next Monday.) Saying goodbye to other branches has been harder than I thought it would be. I was teary eyed as I drove away from the Highland branch. I haven't had a chance to say goodbye to the PG, Saratoga Springs, and Lehi branches. I'll miss my coworkers! It's been a great year and half of being a float teller. I'll miss having Marcia, Becky, and Sandy as my managers. Sure loved them! I love the AF drive up and tellers/new account reps in the AF lobby! I'll miss my very favorite customers! I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to meet such wonderful people!

#4 - I've been trying to prepare for my RS lesson on Sunday. It's been way too entertaining.
As I mentioned earlier, I am teaching RS on Sunday. The last couple weeks, I've been praying to know what topic I should teach on. Saturday night at a performance in the conference center, I felt impressed to teach on a certain topic. As I've been studying and putting my lesson together, I've learned a lot about our Savior, Jesus Christ. I've come closer to Him this week. I have felt the spirit so strong through studying conference talks, scriptures, and personal prayer. I've also noticed that God has been very mindful of me and has blessed me with tender mercies to help me through the stress this week. Last night, I was feeling worthless and stressed. I was over analyzing like a mad woman and getting down on myself. I finally broke down and prayed for peace. Immediately after the prayer, I felt peaceful about everything! God reassured me that everything that is going on in my life right now is supposed to happen. I felt reassured that things will work out in my favor. I felt reassured knowing that my new job at the bank is where I need to be. I am where I need to be at this time in my life. I live in a wonderful apartment, with wonderful roommates! I have wonderful friends and ward members. I get to serve the Lords daughters in the RS! Life has been wonderful! God reminded me of how truly blessed I am right now. I feel ecstatic about life right now! Happy Wednesday everyone!

This song is wonderful!

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