Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Time

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope you are all enjoying the season! I sure am! I apologize for the lack of posts. I go through phases where I post just once a week and then I stop for a while. Since I have some free time, I thought I would quickly jump on and say hi. Hi!
A chapter of my life is ending and a new one is beginning. I'm excited for the adventures that lay ahead! I've made new goals for the new year, updated my bucket list, and am ready to rock and roll! (No pun intended.)
I've been focusing a lot the past month on building my relationship with my Heavenly Father and learning more about Savior, Jesus Christ. I will never be able to fully express to you how much the healing power of the atonement has helped me the past few months. Without my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, I wouldn't have been able get to where I am. My faith in them has been growing each day.
Can I give a shout to my roommates? I love them! They have strengthened me so much this last semester! We all get a long very well! No drama at all! (That's a blessing!) I know that Heavenly Father put the six of us together for a reason. We've all been through some really tough times and have gone through some weird situations. However, we've pulled through each one together! We've cried together, laughed together, and even sang country songs at the top of our lungs together! They inspire and motivate me to live up to my full potential! They are some of the BEST influences in my life and I love and cherish each one of them!
Guess what?! I'm spending my Saturday night with my family! We're all getting together to go out to dinner and then to see Christmas lights! It's a Christmas tradition and one that we all look forward to each year! I love my family and I can't even fully express to you how excited I am to see them! Last night, my sisters and I all met at my parents house and we had a baby shower for my sister in-law. After it was over, we all sat around the kitchen table with mom and dad. It was perfect! One of the best feelings I've had in a while! I love my sisters so much and it was so nice to have us all there laughing and chatting together- just us Rock girls! Nothing can break the bond of sisterhood.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas season! Merry Christmas!

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