Monday, October 7, 2013

He is my Father

Okay, so let's be honest...I suck at blogging. But guess what? I'm back on board! I have been working on a few posts that will be officially posted later this week, but until then here are a few highlights of my weekend:
  • General Conference! Oh my goodness, it was fantastic! (More on my insights to come.)
  • The planetarium with the man friend. I loved every minute of it!
  • General Conference! It was beyond amazing!
  • Spending lots of time with the man friend.
  • General Conference! Elder Holland's talk was superb!
  • Girls night with my roommate. I watched my first Bollywood (sp?) movie. It was weird. 
  • General Conference!
  • Watching "Warm Bodies" for the first time. Also a weird movie.
  • General Conference!!!!!!!
I hope your weekend was fantastic! Now on to the post....
I was seriously contemplating my relationship with my Heavenly Father. How strong was it? Where did I need to improve? How could I better serve Him? As I was sitting through conference, I felt so very strongly that I needed to re-commit to Him and fix our relationship. If there is anything I know and firmly believe, it's that my relationship with my Heavenly Father must always come first. I will never ever be truly alone, because I know that He will always be there for me. I know where I need to improve on in our relationship. I know what I need to do to be better. Especially during the midst of trials, I need Him the most! I know that He knows me and loves me. Even when I feel inadequate, He always reminds me that He loves me and that I am of divine worth. I always loved the first line in the young women theme: "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us and we love Him." I am a daughter of God. I know he loves me and I know that I love Him. I love the power of prayer and knowing that through prayer, I can communicate with Him. I know and firmly believe that He listens to me and answers my prayers. It's a beautiful father-daughter relationship!

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