Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday Mornin'

I woke up at 6:30 and dragged my butt out of bed. Shoes tied and ear buds in, I'm ready to hit the pavement. The run was peaceful and invigorating! Runners high really is one of the best feelings. I came back and stretched, but man, that really got me going, so of course I hit the pavement again. It felt so good! Running is my release. Why have I been putting this off for so long?
After I got back, my friend was doing his circuit training outside. He kept asking me to join him, so I gave in and did crunches with him. Um, ow. Definitely need to start those up again. It still felt good! I love the burning feeling when I work out. No pain, no gain! Bam.
I quickly showered and went to the store to buy some milk so I could make banana spice oatmeal pancakes. They were D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!! I made it up and it was great! I surprise myself sometimes.
After breakfast, I did dishes and then laundry! Felt good to get some household chores out of the way. Next is scripture study outside. That was very much needed. I am always so grateful that I make time for the Lord. My relationship with Him is becoming rock solid! I love reading my scriptures, because I feel so inspired and rejuvenated afterwards. Especially in those moments when I feel inadequate, I quickly pull them out and I immediately feel at peace. They offer so much peace and hope. I also read my patriarchal blessing. I received some answers to my prayers while reading it. It reaffirmed to me that God is real. He has been listening to my prayers.
I'd say it's been a lovely Monday morning! It's been so peaceful and relaxing. I've been able to feel God's love for me and that's exactly what I need to start off my day and week. Happy Monday! God loves you!