Saturday, May 10, 2014

Encircled in His Arms - Journal Entry Edition

"We climbed over two benches so that we could sit in the back. There were a few people in the room sitting on the front row, so we opted for the back. I sat down and looked at the beautiful statue of Christ. The Christus in the visiting center on Temple Square is my favorite place. I love the backdrop surrounding the statue. It's absolutely breathtaking! As I sat there pondering the backdrop, a thought came to mind: One eternal round. (More thoughts to come on that later.) I got up and climbed over the two benches towards the front and sat smack down right in front of the Christus. I observed the details that made this statue so significant. I looked at his robes and immediately thought of the woman who had such faith in Him, that if she just touched His robes, she would be healed. I wanted to touch His robes and be healed. I looked at His pierced hands and imagined myself holding His hand. I looked at His feet and almost wanted to crumble to the floor and wash His feet with my tears. Then I thought of this picture. 
I wanted no more than to be in His embrace. "And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice and encircles them in the arms of safety." [Alma 34:16] This scripture has been on my mind the last couple of weeks. He encircles me in His arms of safety and love through His atonement! 
I sat in front of the Christus for at least an hour.The spirit testified to me the reality of Jesus Christ. My heart was full and my mind was filled of scriptures about Him. He is and always will be my Savior!
My cute roommates and I took turns discussing our feelings about the gospel. We watched as sister missionaries brought in tour groups and played the recording of Christ's words. I will never forget watching this beautiful, old Asian woman cried as she listened to the words. Here she was learning about Jesus Christ and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she felt the spirit. The spirit was so thick in that room that I felt like I could take a bite out of it! 
It was an unforgettable afternoon! One that I will never forget!" [May 2014]