Saturday, March 12, 2011


My Heavenly Father has been so good to me! Words cannot express my appreciation for life and the wonderful blessings Heavenly Father sends my way! I feel so alive and wonderful!!!

Working at the bank so far has been wonderful! I've found my staple job...for now anyways. I love the fact that I get to move around to each branch and work with everyone (well with those who work in Utah County) and get to know so many people! It's a blessing to be able to work with great people! I love my job! I went through a tough time, but I finally made one of my many dreams come true! Heavenly Father prepared a path for me and although my faith was tried, I'm so glad that I followed the path. The timing is so perfect too! I couldn't have asked a better time in my life to get such a great job! And...I'm learning more about finances! SO GREAT! I love learning about savings accounts, bonds, loans etc. I'm starting to love finances! Especially in hard times, I am so grateful that I have a stable job.

The gospel is wonderful, beautiful, and such a perfect blessing. I am constantly reminded of the goodness of my father in heaven. Although I've made some horrible mistakes in my life, I am so grateful that through the atonement I can be made clean again. I am currently enrolled in a mission prep class and I absolutely love it! The gospel changes lives! I've seen it change my life in so many aspects! There is a boy I went to high school with who wasn't the best example to me, but now he has completely changed and is getting to serve a mission in Paraguay! He's such a great example to me that even though repentance and change is hard, it's possible! God loves to throw tough experiences in my path, but he never ceases to guide me through it. I love my father in heaven! He has held my hand through everything and I am eternally grateful! I am constantly feeling the love he has for me. I know he has so many blessings in store for me and if I obey his commandments, I will be able to receive those wonderful blessings. God will never disadvantage me from serving him and obeying his commandments.

I hope you all have a lovely week! God bless you until next time.

By the way, I want Emily to win on Bachelor! But if not, Chantel is a great choice too. But I'm for sure rooting for Emily!!!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I never knew you watch The Bachelor! I love it haha