Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pick Up Lines --Thank you Lauren!

A Guy sitting between two girls turns to them both and say, "Hey, wanna see my rocket?" He then puts his hands in a prayer formation in front of him, says, "Three, Two, One, BOOM!" raises his hands in the air, then gently places his arms around each of the girls shoulders.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or do you need me to walk by again?"

"Do you have a band-aid, Because i just scraped my knee falling for you."

"Did it hurt?"
"Falling from Heaven. With a face like yours, you must be an Angel"

"Have you been to EFY, Because I am Especially for You."

The 13th Article of Faith requires me to ask you out ("If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.")

You know, I'm really grateful for Martin Harris. Without him there'd be another 113 pages between us.

Want to Hold the Priesthood?

Can I borrow your phone? I told my mom I'd call when I met the girl of my dreams.

If you were a booger, I'd pick you.

I need to get my library card, because I want to check you out.

For you I would slay two Goliaths.

If we were around with Noah… then you, me… pair.

What do you think Paul meant when he said, ‘Greet everyone with a holy kiss’?

Are you the iron rod? Cause I wanna hold onto you for the rest of eternity.

Are you a Gadiaton robber? Because you just stole my heart.

Guy sees girl and says: Oh good! Now I can break my fast. Girl asks: Why? Guy: Because I see the answer to my prayers.

The Bible says “Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry”; how about dinner?

Guy: "Do you like chicken?"
Girl: yea
Guy: "then grab a wing." (holds out arm)

I've had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So...
would you please smile for me?

Do you have a boyfriend?
Oh, you do? Well, when you want a MANfriend, come talk to me!

Do my shoes match my eyes?
(guy looks girl up and down)
Where you just checking me out?

I put too much chapstick on, do you need some?

"Hi! What's your name?"
"(tells name)"
"(repeats name a couple times, muttering to himself) where have I heard that name before? OH YEAH! ...My patriarchal blessing!"

People around here call me (name), but you can call me tonight
You can fall off a building, you can fall out a tree, but baby, the best way to fall is in love with me.
"Honey, do you want to plant tulips?"
"Sure, where should we plant them?"
"Well, how about you plant your tulips (two lips) next to mine!!"
Name's right...Mr. Right.
Hey! What's wrong? Do you need some Vitamin Me?

Sometimes I wish I was cross-eyed, Because then I would see two of you.

Boy Points up, "Hey Look, A Shooting Star!" then places his hand on her shoulder.

guy: did I tell you about my fishing trip?
girl: no.
guy: well I caught a fish, it was this big (hold up hands about a foot apart).
girl: (whateves she reacts with)
guy: actually, I am being too humble, it was really about this big (puts one arm arouns the girl and stretches the other out so his hands are like five feet apart).
girl: (whatever she reacts with)
guy: actually no, it was like this big (brings hands closer together to pull girl against him).
girl: (usually a skeptical look, but whatever she reacts with)
guy: you know what it did when i caught it?
girl: no, what did it do?
guy: it did this (pucker lips)

So If you were a pirate, would you put your parrot on this shoulder? (place hand on closest shoulder) or this shoulder? (Place arm around her onto other shoulder)

"Do you have any raisins? How about a date?"

Guy: "You look like my first wife."
Girl: "How many have you had?"
Guy: "None."

Hi, I need your help! My mom says that if I don't get a date by tomorrow,
she's putting me up for adoption.

"You're so hot I could cook an egg on your head."

Hi. My name is {name}. I'm running for president in 2012. And I could sure
use your vote. Here...write down your number and I'll call you to discuss my

Guy: *blushes a little and shrugs with a smile* I can't whistle...
Girl: What! *most likely starts to giggle* Are you kidding me?
Guy: Nope, I am being serious *laughs a little*
Girl: It is not that hard! Here,I will teach you.
Guy: *smiles* Okay. *moves a little closer to her*
Girl: Okay, so, all you do is do this with your lips *puckers lips* and...*Guy moves closer and kisses her*

guy: "I feel invisible. Can you see me?"
girl: "yes"
guy: "How about tomorrow?"

Girl, you are one tall glass of water, and I am really thirsty

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