Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No more excuses

As I was sitting here at work, blog stalking (don't judge), I read something that hit me like a ton of bricks. "I know that i'm busy with work and school, but nothing should be keeping me from the Lord." How true this statement is! There is no reason why I can't take a couple minutes in the morning to pray. There is no reason why I can't pray throughout the day. There is no reason why I can't pull out my scriptures and read and ponder a verse or two. There is absolutely no reason why I can't get down on my knees and thank Heavenly Father for the blessings he's given me that day. There's no reason why I can't spend 3 hours of my Sunday to go to Church. There's no reason why I can't take 10-30 minutes each month to go visiting teaching. There's no reason why I can't take 10% out of each paycheck to pay tithing. There's no reason why I can't fulfill my church calling. There's no reason why I can't serve someone in need. There's no reason why I can't obey the commandments. There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be close to my Heavenly Father. Not that I don't do any of these things, but after reflecting about the things I don't do or should improve on, this was a great reminder to me. Like my friend said, "nothing should be keeping me from the Lord." So here I go, with a fresh perspective, to stay close to my Heavenly Father.

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