Sunday, May 8, 2011

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! My mom's the greatest and I love her so much! I didn't get to celebrate mother's day with my madre because she's currently on her second honeymoon in Israel with my padre. (You know how Egypt hasn't been too safe lately? Well my parents thought it would be fun to go there for their anniversary...)

Well I moved to Provo. It's scary, but fun. Everyone here is so social, it's sick! There are people in and out of my apartment all day. There are endless movie/game nights. It's crazy! I'm not used to how social this place is. I've only been here for a week and I've realized how painfully shy I am. Well not shy, but super quiet. Everyone here has made me feel so welcome. I feel awkward that I don't have the social skills that everyone else has. But I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I don't know why, but that's ok. I feel like I'm in good hands here. I am signed up for a dinner group here in the ward, where I cook dinner every other week for 8 people. On the flip side, I get to eat a hot meal Monday-Thursday. It's kind of exciting!

This Saturday is my almost sister in-laws bridal shower. I get to make a lot of cute cupcakes and decorate them! I'm very excited!

Oh and I'm pretty sure allergies are of the devil! I hate allergies! A. LOT.

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