Friday, December 30, 2011

Honest, Simple, Solid, and True

I told you yesterday that I would post about my theme for 2012. After much consideration and prayer, I have decided to focus on being "Honest, Simple, Solid, [and] True." I really wanted a theme that would help me become more Christlike. At first I was thinking about focusing on obedience with exactness, but I felt like there was something more that I could do. One day, I had some down time at work, so I started reading blogs. My friend Lisa posted about honesty and she had a link to this article by C. Terry Warner. I read this article and I just loved it! I decided then, that I wanted it to be my 2012 theme. Here are my favorite segments of the his talk.

"...perfect honesty and simplicity consists not in devoting attention to oneself, even when one's aims are lofty, but in forgetting oneself and responding to others in love, according to their needs. We are not oysters or abalones, existing in shells--even though that is how we may feel when we become self-involved. We are members one of another, connected to each other, and especially to God, by spiritual sensitivities and obligations profound as eternity. And just for that reason, we become most ourselves when we are most true to God and to one another. We become most right with ourselves when we are most right with them. Jesus' example demonstrates this."

How wonderful is that as we draw closer to the Lord, we can become like him; we become our very best selves. I love the emphasis of how we are all connected. We are all brothers and sisters and come from a wonderful Heavenly Father. Why wouldn't I want to serve my brothers and sisters? They aren't any different than me, right? Remember when I posted about service? This goes perfect for my goals to serve. A thought came to my mind a few months ago that the idea of "forget yourself and go to work" doesnt' just apply to missionaries. This can apply to all of us. I want to forget myself and serve those around me. When I was partnered with dear Phyllis, I could tell that touch was definitely her love language. So I held her hand and rubbed/patted her shoulder. I could tell that I had responded to her need to be touched and loved. It was definitely a sweet moment that I will never forget.

"The Savior seems to say to us: 'Come unto me, and I will give you such assurance and hope and strength that you cannot be taken hostage by anyone who seems to do you harm. I will liberate you into love. And then you will no longer give anyone cause to resent or fear you. Instead, they will respond to the love that I have bestowed upon you. By abiding in me, you will do much good, bear much fruit.'"

I feel like there isn't a better way to say this. The last sentence is my favorite. You can only become better when you are "hand in hand" with the Lord.

"We join the choirs that sing His praise by living lives devoted to one another for His sake. And then we will discover afterward, and to our surprise, that what we have given up trying to achieve on our own has come to pass--that He has changed our hearts and made us as He is: honest, simple, solid, and true."

Isn't that why I'm here? To become like Him? How badly I want that! I want to be "honest, simple, solid, and true." Four characteristics that can shape me into becoming the person my Heavenly Father wants me to become. It's a blessing that I don't have to go through this alone. The Lord will be with me every step of the way as I become as He is. Here's to 2012. Honest. Simple. Solid. True.

***Note: One year ago today, I experienced a wonderful miracle. Remember this?***

1 comment:

Monica said...

I can't believe that accident was a year ago! I still remember being so shocked when I read about it. I love your theme!