Monday, March 26, 2012

Up, Up, and Away!

FHE was powerful tonight. We talked about letting go of anything that is stopping us from progressing in life. We mainly talked about forgiving ourselves or others and letting go of pain or sin from our past. We talked about Christ and the Atonement. We each had a helium balloon that was painted with glow in the dark paint. Some of us got to write down things we were letting go of on a strip of crepe paper and taped it to our balloon. We all let go of our balloons at the same time and watched our balloons fly away. It was wonderful! It felt so good to me to symbolically let go of a lot of burdens that I had been carrying for years. It was so therapeutic!
I feel like that was the perfect way to begin the week leading up to General Conference. It's the perfect way to end a chapter in my life and begin a new one. Here's to a new chapter!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That sounds amazing...very powerful! I wish I could have been there for that.