Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Was not General Conference fabulous?! I enjoyed it! I really, really, really enjoyed it! I admit that I didn't hear much of the second session on Saturday and the morning session on Sunday. It was crazy at my house on Saturday with family around. And Sunday, I felt pretty yucky. Thank you allergies. (Not.) But other than that, I loved every minute of it!!! It was so good to be reminded of how important families are. I love my family so much!!! My goals is to better my relationship with each of my siblings and parents.

3 Things:

1. I could never marry a guy who doesn't like treats. I LOVE TREATS! I've met some guys, who just don't love treats as much as I do. It's kind of sad.

2. I'm signing up for hula lessons! Awesome. Sauce. It's been something I have always wanted to do! I'm super duper excited!

3. Piano, cello, or voice lessons? I want to do them all. This is problematic! I just might do them all.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I agree that conference was amazing :)