Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer lovin'...

...HAVING A BLAST!!! I'm a little sad that summer is coming to an end, however there are still a few weeks left! I intend to make the most out of these last few weeks!

Last night I played ultimate frisbee for the first time in my life. Three words: Best. Thing. Ever. I have officially fallen in love with ultimate frisbee! And surprisingly enough, I am actually pretty decent at it! I even scored a point. (I know, I too am shocked!) It's kind of a shame that I discovered this love at the end of summer. In past years, when I've thrown a frisbee, it's landed in the sewer. (This one time, my roommate and I were using stale ginger cookies as frisbees and yes, mine ended up in the sewer. That was two months ago.) Anyways, I'm pretty excited to play ultimate again!

There have been some funny things that have happened here at BAF. One in particular happened just recently when a customer got angry and tried to run over the drive-up canister with his car. He is now facing charges and a hefty fee. I got to admit though, when customers get angry, their creativity really comes into play. This meaning, they find interesting ways to show their anger, such as trying to break the canister by running over it. It's actually very entertaining! Silly customers!

I am in the process of moving apartments. I get to move one floor up. My apartment has been torn apart and is covered in boxes and such. I'm excited to move, but at the same time, I'm completely dreading it. The packing part isn't so bad, it's the unpacking that really iritates me. But hey, come what may and love it, right?

RuN bAbY, rUn! Next Saturday is my 10K! Bring. It. On.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I hope your 10 k goes well! Some day I hope to get back into shape so I can run more :) we'll see if that ever happens haha