Monday, October 17, 2011

This has gotta be a good life...

This last weekend was quite wonderful!

Friday night, my roommate and I went to Sparks for dinner. It was quite delicious! Then we made scarves from old t-shirts. Hers turned out cute...mine turned out ugly. (I'm really not good at crafts, sewing etc.) But it was so so so easy and so so so cheap, that I want to make some more.

Saturday, my friend made linner for my roommates and I. He makes the best mexican food ever! was so so so good! Later that night, my oldest niece Alyssa came to stay for the night. We had a movie/girls night and pigged out on junk food. And not only did she sleep over, but so did two of our really good friends. One lives in the complex, but her roommates were gone and the other used to be my roommate. So all in all, it was such a fun/girly night.

Sunday was wonderful. Getting ready for church was kind of hectic. I got ready, then I had to get my niece ready. On top of that I made a quick pancake breakfast and then dropped my friend off at her apartment - all before 9:00. Sacrament Meeting was excellent! The spirit was so strong and the messages that were shared were catered to my needs. God is good, oh so good. After church, my roommates and my niece watched Tarzan. I hadn't seen that movie in so long, so I was pretty excited to watch it. (I may or may not have fallen asleep during the middle of the movie...)

My family had dinner at my parents house, so it was so fun to be with them! Dinner was delicious and my sister in-law made a zero calorie cake. (Whether or not it was actually zero calories, it was pretty good.) Just being with my family was great! I don't see all my siblings very often. It's usually once a month and that's just not enough! But when I do get to see them, it so exciting! And boy do I love being with nieces and nephews! I love being an aunt! It's such a blessign!

There's no doubt in my mind that the life I live is great! I am grateful for my life and the experiences that come with it. I am grateful for good friends and family that make my life so much brighter! I am grateful for the hard/bitter times that come, because they always shape me into a better person.

The gospel is so wonderful! It's a blessing and I know that I say that a lot, but I am super grateful to be able to have it in my life. I can't imagine what it would be like to live my life and not have the knowledge of the gospel. How foreign it is to me to think that people live their life not knowing that their Heavenly Father is real and loves them. Heavenly Fathers love is always more than enough for me. I feel so spoiled!

I hope you all have a great week!

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