Thursday, September 27, 2012

See you dear friend!

I wasn't planning on attending my friends funeral, because of a work conflict. I was a little bummed, because I really wanted to be there. Alyssa was a dear friend of mine and I wanted to be there to pay my respects to her and her family. The Lord blessed me with a tender mercy. Everything worked out and I was able to leave work early. Thanks to my co-workers for pulling together! The service was beautiful and peaceful. It was amazing to see all the people there to support her and her family. I loved listening to her parents and siblings talk about what an amazing girl Alyssa was. The spirit confirmed to me that she is in good hands.
The beginning of this week started out really painful. It felt so surreal to me thinking that I wouldn't see her until it was my turn to die. There were even times when I was jealous that she was on the other side. She was free from the pain and trials. But then I had to remind myself that it's not my time to go yet. During the funeral service, everything settled in and I felt at peace. I'll see my friend again. I feel like I can continue on with life. It's time to move forward.
This whole experience has changed my perspective on a few things. The one thing that really hit home was that you never know what people are going through. Alyssa suffered from juvenile diabetes, addison's disease, and hypothyroidism. No one would have known that, because she was so cheerful and friendly all the time. You just never know what struggles they are going through. What can I do to make their life a little brighter? That's something I've been trying to remind myself this week.
Here's to you, Miss Alyssa Isom! Thank you for being so genuinely kind and friendly to me. You have been a strength and a wonderful influence in my life! You are dearly missed! See you on the other side. (Will you please write my name in the book?) 

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