Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ice Cream to fix it all

Let's be honest, I have a weakness for ice cream. Ice cream is God's way of saying he loves me. The creamy, cold goodness NEVER gets old. I can't tell you how many times I've considered opening up my own ice cream business. Can I tell you my two favorite flavors? Black Raspberry, Dark Chocolate, Graham Canyon and Mint Chip! Heaven! Anyways...
There's a boy who came to my apartment and drenched my roommates pillow in his cologne. My goal is to go to bed before she asks 10 cajillion questions. My room currently smells like man. Excellent.
I'm eating ice cream. I haven't eaten ice creams since Friday night. That's a long time.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't share with you something spiritual. I feel like I've been spiritually fed today. I woke up this morning grumpy and exhausted. I somehow managed to pull myself out of my warm bed and get ready for the day. I was going somewhat slow. However, the only thing I wanted to get done this morning before I left, was to read my scriptures. Scripture study has become my new best friend lately. Really though, I had to read my scriptures. I yearned for comfort and counsel from God. I was spiritually enlightened! Earlier this evening, I felt troubled. My heart ached again. I knelt down in prayer, poured out my heart and then opened up my scriptures. I somehow knew that reading my scriptures for however long it would take, would do the trick. God softened my heart and I began to feel peaceful. I am grateful for scripture study! Daily scripture study has become my thing nowadays. I always feel spiritually fed. The things I study tend to help me out for that day. I invite you to make it a habit to read your scriptures everyday. I promise you'll see that it makes a difference in your life!
The video below is segment 1 of 3. It's one of my favorite Mormon Messages! I feel like this relates to daily scripture study. Enjoy and happy Tuesday!

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