Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hi ya pal (s)! Hope you are all having a great week! I've got some great news for you, but unfortunately you won't find out for a while. So stay tuned! Anyways, this last memorial day weekend has been so much fun! I spent the weekend having so much fun with my best friend, roommates, ward members and family! This week is going to be a great one!

Today is a bitter sweet day! My best friend leaves tomorrow for her mission and today will be the last day I see her for at least 18 months. I'm very proud of her and know that she will be a great missionary!

This weekend, my "little/big" asian brother is getting married to my almost little sister in-law! I couldn't be more excited! I love Krissy to death! She's the greatest!

This Thursday I get to...................renew my license. Woohoo. My 21st birthday is next Wednesday. Joy. :)

Well like I said, I have outstanding news, but you'll have to stay tuned for a bit until I can tell you :) Have a happy week!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I want to know your news! You've piqued my interest :)