Wednesday, October 17, 2012

An opportunity to learn more.

I got a new job at work. I still work for the bank, but starting November 5th, I will be a Loan Processor at the American Fork branch. I am excited for the opportunity, but yet really nervous. I saw the job posting one day and a thought came to mind to just apply for it. I also applied to be a mortgage secretary at the Orem branch. HR called and asked me which job I would like more. I wanted the mortgage secretary the most. But I said loan processor instead. I was shocked after I hung up the phone. Wait, what did I say? Instead of calling HR to fix my mistake, I just shrugged it off. After work on Tuesday afternoon, I had my interview for the loan position. I panicked. A lot. I've done a lot of interviews before, but for some reason this interview stressed me out. Not because it was an interview, but because of the work load. Being a loan processor is a big job. Working closely with loan officers, staying in line with regulation, a million other things. "You almost have to be perfect." Words I will never forget from that interview. I prayed in the middle of the interview and told Heavenly Father that I changed my mind. I didn't want the job anymore. Two weeks later, I got a call Monday morning from HR and they told me that I got it. I felt peaceful and excited about it. This is a new opportunity for me to learn other areas of the bank. I feel blessed. I couldn't be more grateful. I love my co-workers so much! They are all so fun to work with. Seriously, it's true. I'll miss floating around to the branches. I'll miss seeing my favorite customers throughout Utah county. I will savor the next two weeks of floating. Until then, here's to a happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I hope the new job goes well for you. :)