Saturday, April 19, 2014

A bowl of ramen

Here I am, finally getting around to dinner and it's 9:30. I opened up my cuboard and reached inside and pulled out a package of ramen noodles. Classic. It's been a long, LONG time since I've eaten ramen. I am pleasantly surprised by how delicious it tastes! Simple pleasures. As I've been eating my simple dinner, it made me think of how I need to simplify things in my life. My thoughts were redirected to how living the gospel is simple. As long as I am living a righteous life and obeying the Lord and His commandments, then I will succeed!
“In righteousness there is great simplicity. In every case that confronts us in life there is either a right way or a wrong way to proceed. If we choose the right way, we are sustained in our actions by the principles of righteousness, in the which there is power from the heavens. If we choose the wrong way and act on that choice, there is no such heavenly promise or power, and we are alone and are destined to fail” -Elder William R. Bradford

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