Sunday, July 20, 2014


Sometimes I do spontaneous things. Like let my roommate convince me to sing a song I didn't really know four minutes BEFORE ward prayer. I was nervous. You see, I don't sing in front of large groups. And I certainly don't sing a song I barely know four minutes before I am supposed to perform it. But I did. And guess what? I forgot the melody in certain spots and I was so nervous. But I did it. And it was crazy. And I don't care that I messed up. But man, it was great! It was spontaneous. It got me out of my comfort zone. Something I needed. I loved it. I've decided from here on out, I am going to start singing again. Oh how I dearly love to sing. It's a talent of mine that I have been hiding for like. ever. Happy Sunday!

[I feel like this picture depicts my feelings right now. Free. Happy. And doing crazy things.]